MK-System in Offroad Applications
Functional Principle of the MK-System
The filter gets loaded with soot during driving operations. Consequently the backpressure is rising which indicates the load level of the filter. The HUSS control monitors the main conditions of the filter continuously. When the maximum allowed backpressure level is reached, the HUSS control alerts the driver and the filter needs a regeneration. The regeneration starts by pushing a button while the engine is shut-off. Depending on the filter size this process takes about 25-40 minutes. After a complete regeneration the soot loading process can start again.
Advantages of the MK-system in Off-Road Applications

absolutely independent from exhaust gas temperature
more than 85% filtration efficiency
approved and proven
complete autarkic system
robust design
wide engine range
filtration efficiency and better
engine performance
independent from exhaust gas temperature
Service and Spare Parts
Technical Documentations
Contact Us
HUSS the retrofit specialist for Off-Road
HUSS particulate filters are dedicated to retrofit applications. The MK-system doesn’t require any information from the engine management. The HUSS control monitors and controls the entire process of filtration and regeneration.